Gift yourself a luxurious retreat to rejuvenate, realign, and relax in an exquisite natural setting.

Previous Ahhh-inspiring Retreats

  • AHKi, Nosara area, Costa Rica

    Costa Rica 2020

    The last retrea justt before the pandemic. We started our day with meditation, dharma talks, yoga practice, then the day was open for field trips - zip lining, horseback riding, kayaking, birdwatching, massage, hanging by the pool with friends or time to journal. Evenings had special yoga treats to deeply relax and realign using techniques not offered in typical yoga classes.

  • Yoga Shala in Yelapa overlooking the ocean

    Yelapa, Mexico 2018

    THe small village of Yelapa is only accessible by boat. Mornings were filled with dharma talks, yoga practice, meditation while late afternoons offered gentle yoga and yoga Nidra to end the day. Various field trips were available during the day unless one preferred to hang on the beach and read, write, chat with friends, or just nap.

  • Yoga at Sunset in Maui 2017 with Julia Siporin

    Maui, Hawaii 2017

    Embodying the spirit of Aloha during our morning and evening yoga practices along the beach. During the days, there were opportunities to go on excursions to the Bamboo Forest, snorkeling along the reefs, and visiting various highland villages.

  • Since the pandemic, retreats have been suspended. Check back for updates!

    Let’s dream! Where would you like to go on retreat for a week? Greece? Colorado? Mountains? Oceans, What environment refreshes your spirit and brings joy to your heart? Send me your thoughts; I’d love to hear if you have places or ideas in mind.