Mindful Movement - Yoga Offerings

Could you use a break from the stresses of your busy life? Perhaps you’re looking for a sustainable and safe practice for aging gracefully, addressing osteoporosis, joint laxity, or back pain, or maybe you desire a more meaningful connection to your inner landscape. Please register for one of my Alignment Yoga classes or series - in person or on Zoom, subscribe to my Yoga Video Library for access to over 20 hours of yoga videos on a wide variety of topics, schedule private sessions, or find out about upcoming retreats.

Julia Siporin in Warrior 2 Yoga Pose

Single Yoga Class Pass - $10

Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:15 - 6:15 pm (Pacific time). A Zoom link and in-person address will be provided after registration. These semi-gentle, yet very effective Alignment Yoga classes focus on healthy alignment and range of motion as well as research-based bone-building techniques.

Yoga Video Library Subscription

Perhaps the live class times don’t work with your schedule. You can take classes at your convenience. Your monthly subscription gives you access to 20 hours of yoga and meditation videos taught by Julia, E-RYT 500, on specific topics to address low back pain, neck and shoulder tension, balance, agility, equanimity, bone-strengthening, healthy range of motion, and more with regular updates.

Enjoy this library of videos at your convenience choosing the topic that best meets your needs that day.

Currently in development is a resource library with more focused details on poses, yoga-related anatomy, poetry and inspiration, and self-paced series courses on Yoga for Healthy Aging, Yoga for Healthy Bones with an optional 30-day challenge including 15-minute daily yoga videos,

Only $8/month Annual subscription rate is $90. How awesome is that?!